Browsing all posts tagged with Riptide GP2.

The Richie Report – Dr Frank’s Requies Experiment and 90046 Expedition

The Richie Report – Dr Frank’s Requies Experiment and 90046 Expedition

Stand by your beds! Hello, naughty poppets. It’s that time again. Richie Report in your face like a can of mace, baby. Is it burning? Well fuck it, now you’re learning. It’s August, and that means a summer drought with enough human misery to bring…

Riptide GP2 – Review

Riptide GP2 – Review

The quirky appeal of the much-loved but ultimately doomed Dreamcast came from the fact that it wasn’t really up for running FPS shooters with that admittedly absymal joypad, and EA didn’t bother showing up to fill it full of sports games. Instead, the console made…