Browsing all posts tagged with ravagers.

Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable – Review

Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable – Review

The next generation of consoles is somewhat overdue now, especially as the halfway step has already been made thanks to the Wii-U (this generation’s Dreamcast, but not as cuddly). So before long the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will be gaming history and with most…

EDF 2017 Portable Gets Confirmed Release Date

Yep, everyone’s favourite cheesy thing after William Shatner has finally been given a release date, and will be battling its way onto shelves on 16th January, 2013.  In North America, at least.  No real confirmation yet as to a European release, but hey, you can…

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon – Review

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon – Review

Smart folk would run right now... My mother’s side of the family is Ukrainian and, many years ago, back in the motherland, our family was cursed. The details are sketchy. Knowing us, we probably ran over a gypsy with a horse or some such, but…