Browsing all posts tagged with Rage.

The Importance of Standing Still

The Importance of Standing Still

The games industry moves at a ridiculous pace. No sooner has generic sequel three hundred and twenty two been announced, and suddenly the latest console rumours are flying, another developer has closed, and before you know it there’s yet another upgrade for your PC. With…

Rage – Review

Rage – Review

With our paths having crossed numerous times over the last couple of years it’s safe to say that it has been a long road for Rage and me. It started during the Eurogamer Expo a few years back, progressed to E3 in June this year,…

Rage – Hands-On Preview

Rage – Hands-On Preview

There are those game developers that perhaps don’t get the recognition that they should. id Software, in my opinion, is one of those and while the (somewhat) sleeping giant has shown signs of stirring from its slumber, it’s fallen short, in recent years, of capturing…