Browsing all posts tagged with puzzle games.

Surge Deluxe – Review

Surge Deluxe – Review

While the console massive, both next and previous, wait for scraps from the barren release schedules, the PS Vita has recently been ticking along nicely with a steady stream of indie titles that more and more seem to be causing a little bit of pre-release…

Contrast – Review

Contrast – Review

There are some games in the world that you see once, for just a few minutes, and they remain with you forever. Something about them sticks in your mind permanently, and you can’t help but think of them from time to time, wondering how development…

Goodbye Deponia – Review

Goodbye Deponia – Review

Saying goodbye is never easy; you reflect on all the times you’ve had together while a solemn music track plays as you disappear into the horizon and the credits begin to roll. If you’re not a character in a movie or television show with a…