Browsing all posts tagged with Project Natal.

The Circle Of Life – 10 Years Of Xbox 360

The Circle Of Life – 10 Years Of Xbox 360

Ten years is a long time in the world of games; long enough for a console generation to come, go, and be consigned to sweet nostalgic memory, as well as the attic. Or, at least, it used to be. On November 22nd 2015, Microsoft’s second…

Move Kills Kinect, Already!

Move Kills Kinect, Already!

I know what you’re thinking, another headline with little substance. Another Sony fanboy dissing the fruits of Microsoft’s labours before it’s even hit the shops. But I can justify this standpoint, having splashed out on the full Move set up including three Move controllers and…

Natal is dead, long live Kinect

Project Natal is gone.  The official name for Microsoft’s motion control project has now been revealed as Kinect.  Leaked yesterday in an ad for the Xbox360 Slim, hours before the official announcement, it wasn’t the only slip up: USA today made a report which apparently…