Browsing all posts tagged with point ‘n’ click.

Blues and Bullets: Episode 1: The End of Peace – Review

Blues and Bullets: Episode 1: The End of Peace – Review

I’m not much of a history buff. Much of what I know about Elliot Ness and Al Capone is taken from the 1987 film The Untouchables and, really, all I can remember from that movie is Sean Connery’s terrible attempt at an Irish accent. So…

Randal’s Monday – Review

Randal’s Monday – Review

In the fast-paced world that the internet has given us, first impressions are slowly becoming more important than we’d initially give them credit for. With so many things to see, do, and willingly distract ourselves with, finding a way to ensnare someone’s attention long enough…

Fire – Preview

Fire – Preview

As much as some factions of humanity would disagree, we certainly owe a great deal to evolution. Without it, every movie tie-in would still be struggling to adapt itself into a side-scrolling platformer, pixel graphics would be a tedious norm instead of a retro throwback,…