Browsing all posts tagged with platforming.

Inside My Radio – Review

Inside My Radio – Review

Inside My Radio by Seaven Studio is a mix of rhythm-action and platforming, a mix that we’ve not seen on PSN since Sound Shapes and, like that game, it combines cool, stark visuals and a fresh soundtrack with some fairly basic gameplay ideas. You play…

Penarium – Preview

Penarium – Preview

One of the few tiny pleasures of living in a small, northern town is that there’s plenty of open space around. Rolling hills, perfect for the horses to gallop and llamas to… do whatever it is llamas do on llama farms. Fields big enough to…

Fairytale Fights – Fresh Look Review

Fairytale Fights – Fresh Look Review

Ever have one of those days? Finally, the dust has settled, the spilled blood has congealed, and my faithful Wooden Chainsaw can slip from my fingers at last.  For me, the war is over and Fairytale Fights, is done.  To say that I’m not relieved…