Browsing all posts tagged with platformers.

Ninja Pizza Girl – Review

Ninja Pizza Girl – Review

There are two things going on with Disparity Games’ indie platformer Ninja Pizza Girl. The obvious one is the fact that this is a ninja-based platformer. You run, jump, wall-jump, dive and slide through the 2.5D levels, avoiding obstacles and enemies while trying to…

Life Goes On: Done to Death – Review

Life Goes On: Done to Death – Review

The platform/puzzle genre has never shied away from the weird and wonderful. Seemingly less constrained by convention than others, the humble platformer has blossomed into a genre that isn’t afraid to experiment with the strange and unusual, or the downright bloody surreal. Enter Life Goes

Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries – Preview

Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries – Preview

Our fascination with fairy stories seems to be forever rooted in our bones. Whether it’s because they come from a dark place and, like truly immortal stories, have evolved over time to suit the tastes of generation after generation, who knows. From terrifying and disturbing…