Browsing all posts tagged with pc.

Enemy Front – E3 Preview

Enemy Front – E3 Preview

A first-person, World War II shooter, where you’re a lone solider behind enemy lines. This sounds like a new and exciting concept, or at least it would be in upside-down land. While I expect many people will be quick to judge this as just another…

Role Play Hero

Role Play Hero

For every genre that exists in gaming, there’s one that’s always held a special place in my giant fluffy heart. Yes, I’ve flirted with other genres and I’ve even enjoyed the company of modern hybrids. But for me, it’s always been about the RPG. No…

Stronghold 3 Confirmed

We rather like Stronghold around these parts, and ever since the local council put an end to the Gaming Lives castle made out of Mikado packets we’ve had to turn our attention elsewhere. Thankfully we’ve not had to search too far as Firefly have just…