Browsing all posts tagged with Parkour.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst: Beta Impressions

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst: Beta Impressions

Mirror’s Edge was a daring peak among the ups and downs of the last generation’s release roller-coaster, with a briefly emboldened EA taking a chance with a new IP and giving us a bold, visually stunning game that divided opinion. Its striking looks and breakneck,…

Mirror’s Edge – A Reflection

Mirror’s Edge – A Reflection

Despite the recent movement of shooters incorporating elements of parkour into the mix, the free running escapades of Mirror’s Edge remain as unique, fresh, and exhilarating an experience today as it was eight years ago. Quite frankly, there’s never been anything else like it. Thanks…

Dying Light: The Following – Review

Dying Light: The Following – Review

*Note that this review is Dying Light: The Following and, as such, may include some minor spoilers for the base game. Historically, I don’t ever go back to open-world games. Skyrim, Far Cry, and all their friends get played, I do the story, eighty…