Browsing all posts tagged with Pandemic.

Acoustic Gaming: Pandemic Legacy – Season One

Acoustic Gaming: Pandemic Legacy – Season One

Please note that this will be a SPOILER FREE Review of Pandemic Legacy. I will not mention any of the surprises or give away any gameplay changes other than the basics, so don’t worry if you haven’t yet played the game. First of all,…

Bored Gaming

Bored Gaming

Videogames are great, right? Fancy graphics with more pixels per gnat’s bollock than you can shake a stick at. Let’s not even get on to the wonders of the cloud and the myriad of online-multiplayer options. I can play games with my friends and not…

Acoustic Gaming: Forbidden Desert

Acoustic Gaming: Forbidden Desert

There can’t be many things worse than getting stranded in the desert in the middle of a sandstorm, with limited water and the constant risk of death by dehydration hanging over you. Perhaps an evening watching Adam Sandler movies or contracting a particularly aggressive strain…