Browsing all posts tagged with online gaming.

A Losing Battle

A Losing Battle

The internet is rife with complaints of predominantly single-player games being marred by a bolt-on multiplayer mode, but with Battlefield the opposite has always been true. DICE’s shooter series is famous for its defining online warfare; grand scale conflicts fought across land, sea and air,…

The Elder Scrolls Online – Preview

The Elder Scrolls Online – Preview

Although I love the freedom that they bring, I’ve never found myself truly connecting with open-world gaming. I was one of the many under-age teenagers salivating at the prospect of getting GTA: San Andreas, but by the half-way point I found myself yearning for the…

Is Anybody Out There?

Is Anybody Out There?

“Alright, love, no need to push”, said the lady playing Project Gotham Racing 3. She was talking to me. We were both racing for 7th in an eight car race and I had just come into a corner much too fast and decided to throw…