Browsing all posts tagged with OlliOlli.

Not A Hero – Review

Not A Hero – Review

After reinvigorating both the skateboard and the endless runner genres with their OlliOlli series, Roll7 have returned with a whole new type of game that combines their usual 2D retro-cool style with a slick assassin plot. Not A Hero has you playing as an assassin,…

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That’s right, it’s a FESTIVE END OF YEAR RICHIE REPORT all up in your sweet, baffled faces. I’m coming down YOUR CHIMNEY and I’ve got a bag full of OPINIONS. Of course, Christmas isn’t quite what it…

The Richie Report – The Sweeter Vita Repeater

The Richie Report – The Sweeter Vita Repeater

“Tsunami or some shit”
Where was I in January? Where were you in January, punk? Do you know how many games there were to write about last month? Somewhere between bugger all and nowt. January’s release schedules were unusually thin this year unfortunately. Still, with…