Browsing all posts tagged with new IP.

Where The Games Have Gone

Where The Games Have Gone

Over the past 18 or so months there has been a general consensus that creativity in the industry is drying up.  From letters pages in magazines to forum posts on websites, the onslaught of complaints is near inescapable.  And, fair dos, these grumblings aren’t totally…

Gamescom: The Sony Conference

Gamescom: The Sony Conference

Each of gaming’s big three held court in Los Angeles this year. Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony each presented their visions for the future of gaming at E3, after which, many agreed that Sony had given the best accounting of themselves.  Here in Cologne however, things…

In Defense of Brink

In Defense of Brink

We live in a gaming time of triple-A titles, where a company is made or broken on the success of its tent pole release. Alas, much like the film industry, this leads some companies to lean on established franchises and brand names in order to…