Browsing all posts tagged with music games.

Amplitude – Review

Amplitude – Review

Rhythm-action games have been around for a long time, but they enjoyed an explosion in popularity a few years back thanks to Guitar Hero and Rock Band. These series managed to launch many iterations (as well as a heap of plastic instruments) before dying…

Rocksmith 2014 Edition – Review

Rocksmith 2014 Edition – Review

When the original Rocksmith was first announced, I was very excited indeed. As a huge fan of guitar games, and a real life guitarist myself, the prospect of being able to play along with great songs and learn how to play them properly was highly…

Fantasia: Music Evolved – Preview

Fantasia: Music Evolved – Preview

To be completely honest, I have never seen Fantasia. The classic Disney animation that combined classical music and wondrous imagery has somehow passed me by my entire life and, no matter how many times it’s re-released on Blu-Ray, I’ve still never got round to actually…