Browsing all posts tagged with Multiplayer.

Destiny – Preview

Destiny – Preview

I hate the Halo series. Now that I’ve made that clear we can proceed with a look at Bungie’s latest title, Destiny, without fear that I’m some massively biased fanboy. Destiny is a first-person shooter role-playing game set seven hundred years in the future where…

Double Dipping

Double Dipping

Recently, when I found myself once again looking over creaking shelves and skittering piles of games, I pushed the despair aside for a moment and started to dig a little deeper into what I actually had. Things weren’t quite as they seemed. I was certain…

Dustforce – Review

Dustforce – Review

Let’s face it, a game about running around with a broom, cleaning stuff up, doesn’t sound that exciting but Hitbox Team think otherwise and with the release of Dustforce, they’re going to try and convince you too. Originally released on the PC and OSX…