Browsing all posts tagged with moral choices.

The Devil’s Men – Preview

The Devil’s Men – Preview

As the industry marches forward, it becomes harder and harder to find genuine innovations in your favourite genres. That’s not to say that there’s a lack of imagination – although the prevalence of first-person shooters and zombies would definitely indicate otherwise – but it’s often…

Tales From The Borderlands – Preview

Tales From The Borderlands – Preview

Many moons ago, it looked like episodic gaming was going to be the next big thing. We imagined having all of our favourite titles delivered to us piecemeal, but at a lower overall cost. We conjured up images of being able to get everything quicker,…

You’re Playing It Wrong!

You’re Playing It Wrong!

I don’t know that to be a fact, of course. You could be playing it right for all I know. Is there a right way to play it?  By “it” I mean games, and by “games” I’m referring to a specific type; namely one that…