Browsing all posts tagged with Modern Warfare 2.

Bad Company 2 – First Look

Bad Company 2 – First Look

Its been a while since I’ve been seen round these parts with one of these article things, which is largely down to the fact that I recently got married, and that takes up a hellofalot of time (preparations, ceremony, the dinner afterwards, the consummation, the…

Down The Rabbit Hole

Down The Rabbit Hole

Just when you thought shapeshifters in bodywarmers had gone out of fashion! Do you want to know what I love about gaming? Of course you do, or you wouldn’t be reading this article. “Is it having a 12 year old American annihilate you on Modern…

Generation (s)Kill?

Generation (s)Kill?

Us gamers have found a novel way to get into tight parking spots Walking to work the other day, I had occasion to observe a woman parking her car. All those at the back who just looked at each other with THAT look, you know,…