Browsing all posts tagged with Mobile Gaming.

Fates Forever – Review

Fates Forever – Review

This week, the iOS and Android markets saw the arrival of what is possibly the first game able to carry of the League of Legends style of MOBA. Crafted by the Hammer and Chisel studio, Fates Forever is perhaps the closest thing we are going…

Nvidia Announce ‘Shield’ Mobile PC Gaming

With so many people these days opting for console rather than PC, it’s no surprise to consider that part of the reasoning behind is this is that you have the ability to game from the comfort of your sofa and the lure of the big…

Tiny Troopers – Review

Tiny Troopers – Review

For those of us “of a certain age”, the similarities between the Tiny Troopers gameplay and that of the classic Cannon Fodder series are remarkable but, in all honesty, that’s exactly what Kukouri were going for when they created this modern-day nod.  The greatest difference…