Browsing all posts tagged with Microsoft.

The Circle Of Life – 10 Years Of Xbox 360

The Circle Of Life – 10 Years Of Xbox 360

Ten years is a long time in the world of games; long enough for a console generation to come, go, and be consigned to sweet nostalgic memory, as well as the attic. Or, at least, it used to be. On November 22nd 2015, Microsoft’s second…

Better With Kinect

Better With Kinect

Removing DRM restrictions.  Scrapping 24 hour online authentication.  The ID@Xbox program.  Both the Microsoft corporation and the Xbox One console they unveiled back in May 2013 are almost a world apart from what they are today.  Policies have been reversed, key figures have stepped down…

The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. E3 is back, bringing with it the promise of new games, hardware reveals, the chance to call Microsoft pricks, and plenty of opportunities to laugh at Nintendo as they broadcast their conference from a van parked around…