Browsing all posts tagged with Microsoft Kinect.

Kinect: First Impressions

Kinect: First Impressions

Someone beheaded Johnny 5. Ish. First, this purchase was for research purposes only. Honest. After talking one of my best mates out of buying one on launch, it was rather hypocritical of me to tweet a picture of my lovely Kinect equipment on launch day.…

Move Kills Kinect, Already!

Move Kills Kinect, Already!

I know what you’re thinking, another headline with little substance. Another Sony fanboy dissing the fruits of Microsoft’s labours before it’s even hit the shops. But I can justify this standpoint, having splashed out on the full Move set up including three Move controllers and…

Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness

Surely someone else can see the HUGE elephant in the room? Gaming, for me, began in 1977 when this rather odd looking contraption appeared in our lounge. It was crude, to say the least, and the cabling wasn’t that lovely soft and chewable variety that…