Browsing all posts tagged with Mass Effect 3.

The Richie Report: Corporate Rear-Ending Supermarket Sweep

The Richie Report: Corporate Rear-Ending Supermarket Sweep

Dear Brotherhood. As you know, we live in dark times. Our researchers have shown that the midgets are now becoming organised and operating with insect-like instincts and a hive-mind mentality. They are somehow able to bend and refract light and, like all creatures bereft of…

The Great Mass Effect 3 Ending Debate

The Great Mass Effect 3 Ending Debate

Before I get going here, I just want to make sure everyone is aware that this piece will have some spoilers. You should have reckoned that from the title, but you never know, right? Okay, for all you haters campaigning for a different ending, grab…

40 Days and 40 Nights – Giving up Gaming for Lent – Part III

40 Days and 40 Nights – Giving up Gaming for Lent – Part III

Noooo! When will it end?? Hey guys, this is the third and final part of my giving up gaming for Lent nonsense. For those who have missed the last two parts, you can find part one here and part two here. After my last…