Browsing all posts tagged with L.A. Noire.

History is our Playground

History is our Playground

When I’m not making a coital tour of the galaxy as Commander ‘Big-Man’ Shepard, or hoarding iron ingots as ‘Hawky’ the sneaky wood elf who is somehow the head honcho of every guild in Skyrim, I tend to be caught up studying history. As much…

The Summer Drought

The Summer Drought

By Callum Thomson Just like hose pipe bans and “the hottest temperatures since records began”, we have had a ‘summer drought’ of gaming in recent years, one which the AAA titles seemed to avoid, for no reason known to us, other than saving the big…

L.A. Noire – Review

L.A. Noire – Review

Think of any game under the Rockstar banner and you’ll invariably come up with a title where the protagonist is, to all intents and purposes, what would typically be viewed as an antagonist – the stereotypical troubled past, a renegade on the wrong side of…