Browsing all posts tagged with Knights Of The Old Republic.

Videogames Tell Amazing Stories

Videogames Tell Amazing Stories

I’m a huge fan of a good story in a videogame. In my mind, they can rival even that of a good book or movie in their excitement. One thing I always seem to wonder, even when I watch old movies that I’ve seen a…

You Are Not a Bad Person (Probably)

You Are Not a Bad Person (Probably)

I like to think that I’m a nice guy. Sure, I can be a sarcastic arsehole who judges people fairly harshly for the most basic reasons, but on the whole I think I’m kind and helpful. I aim to make people happy. I’m always willing…

Mass Effect 2 – First Look

Mass Effect 2 – First Look

Hi, I'm "Troy" Shepard. You may remember me from such games as "Mass Effect" and "your previous save"... if you're lucky! The original Mass Effect is one of my favourite games, from one of my favourite developers, the supremely talented Bioware; the Canadian studio behind…