Browsing all posts tagged with Insomniac Games.

Sunset Overdrive – Review

Sunset Overdrive – Review

Sunset Overdrive should come with an addiction warning.  Much like the OverCharge Delirium XT energy drink Sunset City’s residents-turned-mutants have become hooked on, Sunset Overdrive’s typically Insomniac brand of barminess can prove a challenge to resist.  It’s bursting at the seams with colour and…

Resistance 3 Interview with Jon Pacquette

Resistance 3 Interview with Jon Pacquette

Back when GamingLives was in Germany for Gamescom, I managed to get one last look at ‘Resistance 3′ before its launch. One of the very strange things about being in those preview rooms at Gamescom is that when a presentation ended, one of the developers…