Browsing all posts tagged with Halo 4.

Putting In The Hours

Putting In The Hours

Malcolm Gladwell once wrote that “Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness”. He was referring to a supposed scientific rule that, once someone commits ten thousand hours to a particular task, such as playing a sport or practising a craft, they will have…

Is Anybody Out There?

Is Anybody Out There?

“Alright, love, no need to push”, said the lady playing Project Gotham Racing 3. She was talking to me. We were both racing for 7th in an eight car race and I had just come into a corner much too fast and decided to throw…

Halo 4 – Singleplayer Campaign Review

Halo 4 – Singleplayer Campaign Review

It’s been the best part of half a decade since game developers Bungie left their lead man and lady drifting in the eternal black void of space. In the years since then, fans have been treated to two games that dived into the past of…