Browsing all posts tagged with Haemimont Games.

Victor Vran – Review

Victor Vran – Review

You stand facing the army of shuffling skeletons, the brim of your leather hat flapping in the wind. “Time to go to work.” says Geralt of… wait… sorry Victor in a gravelly tone. He unsheathes his sword, charging the line of undead. “…

Tropico 5 – Review

Tropico 5 – Review

History is replete with examples of dictators and tyrants whose hair, as much as their megalomania, has ensured their place in the halls of memory. Hitler, with his thumb-smudge moustache, Kim Jong Il and his… whatever, and, of course, Simon Cowell. Hell, even Hasselhoff’s luxuriant…

Tropico 5 – Gamescom Preview

Tropico 5 – Gamescom Preview

If you were to visit the website for Tropico, you’d see a little sidebar on the left. On it are a few bits of information; there’s one about the age rating (‘T’ for ‘teen’, in case you were wondering) and one which tells you more…