Browsing all posts tagged with Goodbye.

Flagging Heart

Flagging Heart

It’s a weird thing, seeing the now-venerable Assassin’s Creed games coming back. Not that they ever went far (what does, really, these days?). The Ezio Collection was announced a while back and while it shouldn’t come as a surprise, it certainly gives one pause. So…

From Acorns to Fish

From Acorns to Fish

A work in progress – Dec 22nd, 2009 I always imagined that this post would take place on the anniversary of GamingLives‘ launch.  It was always supposed to be that way, but I’ve always been a strong believer that everything should be organic.  If…

My friend, David.

My friend, David.

Do you remember your first day at school? I don’t really remember my first day at school but it’s one of those types of memories that people tend to recall because of its significance in their lives. Did I cry? Was I nervous? Did I…