Browsing all posts tagged with gamescom 2012.

Star Conflict – Preview

Star Conflict – Preview

Space is friggin’ huge, and the universe is constantly expanding, so why do people have to keep fighting over it? There isn’t a piece of sci-fi that I can think of that has a nice, happy, unified galaxy that has everyone living in harmony, and…

CJ Games Global’s MMO Future

CJ Games Global’s MMO Future

With The Secret World selling less than quarter of a million copies and The Old Republic going free-to-play within less than a year of launch, you’d be forgiven for thinking that MMO titles aren’t keeping an iron-clad grip on the throat of gamers as much…

Sacrilegium – Preview

Sacrilegium – Preview

Shortly before this year’s E3 expo in Los Angeles, a press release was issued which shed light on the “unannounced Reality Pump title” that we had down on our schedule, unveiling this new IP as a survival horror going by the name of Sacrilegium.  As…