Browsing all posts tagged with Gamecube.

Best of 2015: Welcome to the Tournament Scene

Best of 2015: Welcome to the Tournament Scene

First Published: Oct 27, 2015
Voted For By: Ric, Adam, Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“Despite the conversation-quoting intro being quite clearly being ripped off from me, Keegan’s account of his tentative step into the world of competitive Smash is really quite sweet, and shows a

Welcome to the Tournament Scene

Welcome to the Tournament Scene

“Hey man, how are you doing?” There’s no answer from my opponent, who is apparently too focused on unwinding the cable of his GameCube controller to return my greeting. We’re in the losers’ bracket now, so the pressure is on, but his unfriendly refusal to…

Video Games: Worst Security Forces

Video Games: Worst Security Forces

Some folk just don't need an army to bring the world to its knees. For those of us without a conscience, blazing through a game and laying waste to anything and everything in our way – along with those exceptional annoyances that we’re all perfectly…