Browsing all posts tagged with game bugs.

Best of 2015: Failing To Fallout

Best of 2015: Failing To Fallout

First Published: Oct 15, 2015
Voted For By: Tim, Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“As far as New Vegas is concerned, this is something I can completely relate to, for I was in exactly the same irradiated boat as Chris and actually planned to write is

Failing To Fallout

Failing To Fallout

I spent the first two weeks of June in Bodrum, Turkey. While sunning myself and eating as much Halva as I could handle, Bethesda decided to drop the Fallout 4 bomb, releasing a trailer and some basic details. With data charges starting at six pound…

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad – Review

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad – Review

It’s said that the game industry’s fascination with the Second World War has now run twice as long than the war actually did. Given that the original multiplayer FPS was centred around killing Nazis (or mutated/undead/robotic versions of them, at least) back in 1992, you’d…