Browsing all posts tagged with Frostbite engine.

A Losing Battle

A Losing Battle

The internet is rife with complaints of predominantly single-player games being marred by a bolt-on multiplayer mode, but with Battlefield the opposite has always been true. DICE’s shooter series is famous for its defining online warfare; grand scale conflicts fought across land, sea and air,…

Need For Speed: The Run – Review

Need For Speed: The Run – Review

I have to say, I admire EA quite a lot. They were once seen as some kind of horrible game producing monster that threw out the same game every year because they knew they’d make money, but in recent years they’ve taken steps to make…

Battlefield 3 – Review

Battlefield 3 – Review

This is just the beginning. It would be nice to think that now the game is out the onslaught of the year long marketing push is to be retired and we can all have a rest from the BLUH NUH NUH BLUH NUH NUH, but…