Browsing all posts tagged with finishing games.

Finish Them!

Finish Them!

While most gamers have to-play piles, and like to worry about them (while forever adding to them) others are infinitely more concerned about that irritating sub-pile: the half-played pile. This wretched heap consists of all those games that, for whatever reason, someone never got around…

Best of 2015: Failing To Fallout

Best of 2015: Failing To Fallout

First Published: Oct 15, 2015
Voted For By: Tim, Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“As far as New Vegas is concerned, this is something I can completely relate to, for I was in exactly the same irradiated boat as Chris and actually planned to write is

Failing To Fallout

Failing To Fallout

I spent the first two weeks of June in Bodrum, Turkey. While sunning myself and eating as much Halva as I could handle, Bethesda decided to drop the Fallout 4 bomb, releasing a trailer and some basic details. With data charges starting at six pound…