Browsing all posts tagged with FIFA.

The Richie Report: Mining for Battleships as 38 Perish

The Richie Report: Mining for Battleships as 38 Perish

Hello, readers. I have to admit that I’m a little confused. Like a perfect storm of global evil, the horrible trifecta of Chelsea FC, Activision and EA came together at half-time during the Champions League final as the world was treated to trailers of the…

The Richie Report: Corporate Rear-Ending Supermarket Sweep

The Richie Report: Corporate Rear-Ending Supermarket Sweep

Dear Brotherhood. As you know, we live in dark times. Our researchers have shown that the midgets are now becoming organised and operating with insect-like instincts and a hive-mind mentality. They are somehow able to bend and refract light and, like all creatures bereft of…

The Real Winners of E3 2011

The Real Winners of E3 2011

E3 has been and gone. The hysteria has died down and we are left to extract every little bit of information that has been released to us. The question that everyone seems to ask at the end of E3 every year is “who won?” Which…