Browsing all posts tagged with Fable 2.

Best of 2015: End of the World

Best of 2015: End of the World

First Published: May 13, 2015
Voted For By: Ste, Ric, Keegan, Ed, Mark R
Reason(s) For Vote:
“Like Lorna, I tend to get attached to the virtual worlds I spend time in and I too feel a kind of sadness when there’s nothing left to

End of the World

End of the World

I’m a notorious game potterer. Given the chance, I’ll happy idle around an open-game world like a Sunday driver, watching, exploring, and stuffing outsized weaponry into a jewellery box the size of a paperback book. Quests back up like enraged motorists behind me as I…

Move, Bitch! Get Out Of The Way!

Move, Bitch! Get Out Of The Way!

I’ll be the first to admit that this isn’t the wittiest catchphrase to adopt, but adopt it I have. That’s not to say that I go around using it in polite, everyday society (well, not much, anyway). No, this is a phrase I reserve…