Browsing all posts tagged with Elite: Dangerous.

Best of 2015: The Dangerous Diaries Part 1: Space Trek

Best of 2015: The Dangerous Diaries Part 1: Space Trek

First Published: Jan 30, 2014
Voted For By: Ste
Reason(s) For Vote:
“I chose this article for two reasons; first reading it is more effective than a sledgehammer to the head when trying to get to sleep, and secondly it reminds me just how stunning

The Dangerous Diaries Part 1: Space Trek

The Dangerous Diaries Part 1: Space Trek

Space, in a game made by Frontier: these are the voyages of Commander Spad. His continuing mission: To visit strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to sell them tea then shoot them and steal the tea back, to boldly go

Elite: Dangerous – Review

Elite: Dangerous – Review

You’re probably too young to remember Elite – hell, I’m barely old enough to remember it – the seminal space trading simulator from David Braben & Ian Bell. You see, in the old days games used to be made by one guy in his bedroom…