Browsing all posts tagged with Elder Scrolls series.

The Elder Scrolls Online – Preview

The Elder Scrolls Online – Preview

Although I love the freedom that they bring, I’ve never found myself truly connecting with open-world gaming. I was one of the many under-age teenagers salivating at the prospect of getting GTA: San Andreas, but by the half-way point I found myself yearning for the…

History is our Playground

History is our Playground

When I’m not making a coital tour of the galaxy as Commander ‘Big-Man’ Shepard, or hoarding iron ingots as ‘Hawky’ the sneaky wood elf who is somehow the head honcho of every guild in Skyrim, I tend to be caught up studying history. As much…

Live Action Skyrim Trailer Released

Yes, you read correctly.  A live action Skyrim trailer.  Need we say more?  Well, if you insist.  We clicked the link with no small amount of apprehension, wondering how naff it would be and were actually pleasantly surprised.  Grimy, under-saturated, and pretty sexy was the…