Browsing all posts tagged with E3 previews.

Crysis 3 – Preview

Crysis 3 – Preview

The original Crysis is one of those games that is remembered more for its graphics than for its gameplay, to the point where I know more people who’ve acquired it to test how shiny it looks on their computer than who’ve actually completed it (myself…

Tomb Raider – E3 Preview

Tomb Raider – E3 Preview

Picking favourites has never been easy for me; even at twenty years old, being asked what my favourite things are will be met with a long series of umming and aahing before I shrug, make an excuse and run away. My favourite band changes by…

Skylanders Giants – E3 Preview

Skylanders Giants – E3 Preview

Ah, 1st October, 1999. I remember the day well; far from being just an average day at primary school, it was the UK launch of what would soon go on to be one of the most famous and memorable franchises ever to appear on a…