Browsing all posts tagged with E3 conferences.

The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. E3 is back, bringing with it the promise of new games, hardware reveals, the chance to call Microsoft pricks, and plenty of opportunities to laugh at Nintendo as they broadcast their conference from a van parked around…

Day 2 Diary – Revenge of Zero

Day 2 Diary – Revenge of Zero

It’s day 2, or conference day, at GLE3HQ. Ok yeah, I don’t think anyone actually calls it conference day, but that is really what it’s like.  Last night we pushed being awake for more than twenty-four hours and met up with Claas from Lace Mamba…

Better With Kinect – The Musical

Better With Kinect – The Musical

Microsoft Press Conference E3 2012 After the last few years of E3, I was expecting the worst from Microsoft. Previous years have bought us lacklustre showings whose only entertainment value has come from awkward presentation failures. I may be able to remember what the bottom…