Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2012 previews.

Borderlands 2 – E3 Preview

Borderlands 2 – E3 Preview

When it was announced that Gearbox were taking their 2009 sleeper hit and making a sequel, I died a little inside.  I’d been hoping it would happen, longing to take the adventure to the next level, and indulge myself in another weapon-hoarding frenzy in my…

Divinity: Dragon Commander – E3 Preview

Divinity: Dragon Commander – E3 Preview

Dragons. Their existence has been questioned by many over the years, with some believing that they once filled our skies but were driven to extinction, while others take the more pragmatic approach and chalk them down to being nothing more than fantasy. Not being one…

The Amazing Spider-Man – E3 Preview

The Amazing Spider-Man – E3 Preview

It’s been a while since I’ve played a Spider-Man game. I think Spider-Man 3 may have been the last - Peter Parker battling the evil emo gene that was taking over his body and causing him to strut the streets of Manhattan like a nut-case,…