Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2012 preview.

Borderlands 2: Interview with Gearbox VP Steve Gibson

Borderlands 2: Interview with Gearbox VP Steve Gibson

Meet Sir Hammerlock. Nice 'tache, mate. Unless you’ve been living under a skag-pile, you’ll undoubtedly have heard by now that Borderlands is getting a sequel and, unless said skag-pile didn’t come with a net connection, or you’ve never read the site before, you’d also be…

Bandfuse: Rock Legends – Preview

Bandfuse: Rock Legends – Preview

My best friend gave me his acoustic guitar for my eighteenth birthday, and thanks to a combination of University, videogames and the ridiculous amounts of fan-mail I get on a near-daily basis due to my career writing about videogames on GamingLives, I’ve barely touched it.…

Crysis 3 – Preview

Crysis 3 – Preview

The original Crysis is one of those games that is remembered more for its graphics than for its gameplay, to the point where I know more people who’ve acquired it to test how shiny it looks on their computer than who’ve actually completed it (myself…