Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2011 diaries.

The Time I Went to L.A. By Lee Aged 26 and A Half

The Time I Went to L.A. By Lee Aged 26 and A Half

So we’d just stepped off the train at Glasgow Central and the four of us stood there on the platform for just a few seconds, just a little bit longer than needed. None of us said anything to each other, I don’t even remember looking…

From Hell’s Heart, I Stab At Thee

From Hell’s Heart, I Stab At Thee

Taking over the world, one tweet at a time Ten bags, one train, one bus, two planes, three airports, and a taxi.  One lost bag, one baggage-left-on-train heart attack, one killer hill, four dodgy meals, two severe cramps, three agonising kneecaps, and a headache.  The…

L.A. No…aaaargh!

L.A. No…aaaargh!

There are eight million stories in the naked city. These days they're mostly mis-spelled and full of hash tags. Having never been to Los Angeles before, and with my only experience of west coast USA being a day trip from Vancouver to Seattle when I…