Browsing all posts tagged with DLC.

Borderlands 2 – PS Vita Review

Borderlands 2 – PS Vita Review

I was pretty worried when I picked up Borderlands 2 for the PS Vita. I was worried that my word-crafting skills wouldn’t be able to do justice to a series that is much loved here at GLHQ – our chief has famously played both games…

Free To Play

Free To Play

Remember back when the only controversy surrounding Mass Effect 3 was to do with its inclusion of an obligatory Horde-alike multiplayer mode?  Okay, so mentioning Mass Effect 3 and the word “controversy” in the same sentence could be misinterpreted, but before I continue can I…

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – Review

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – Review

You’d think that the fighting genre was fairly limited; all you’re doing, really, is wearing down a health bar. But Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has done something that fighting games have been claiming to do for a very long time – it’s delivered genuine innovation. …