Browsing all posts tagged with DICE.

Mirror’s Edge – A Reflection

Mirror’s Edge – A Reflection

Despite the recent movement of shooters incorporating elements of parkour into the mix, the free running escapades of Mirror’s Edge remain as unique, fresh, and exhilarating an experience today as it was eight years ago. Quite frankly, there’s never been anything else like it. Thanks…

A Losing Battle

A Losing Battle

The internet is rife with complaints of predominantly single-player games being marred by a bolt-on multiplayer mode, but with Battlefield the opposite has always been true. DICE’s shooter series is famous for its defining online warfare; grand scale conflicts fought across land, sea and air,…

Battlefield Hardline – Review

Battlefield Hardline – Review

Following the current FPS trend, Battlefield Hardline makes a concerted effort to distance itself from the contemporary military shooter. Leaving future warfare to Call Of Duty, Visceral’s big budget spinoff to DICE’s mainline series instead sets its sights on aping the police procedural, episodic…