Browsing all posts tagged with Destiny.

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That’s right, it’s a FESTIVE END OF YEAR RICHIE REPORT all up in your sweet, baffled faces. I’m coming down YOUR CHIMNEY and I’ve got a bag full of OPINIONS. Of course, Christmas isn’t quite what it…

The Richie Report – The 360 + One = 4 Formulation

The Richie Report – The 360 + One = 4 Formulation

“I continued to hoover”
Oh hi there, readers. Richie here with another report on the world of gaming. It’s been a little while since our last report and an odd thing has happened. I’ve made the transition from my Xbox 360, which apart from the…

Destiny – The Thin Line Between Boredom and Immersion

Destiny – The Thin Line Between Boredom and Immersion

As someone who could easily be described as a ‘niche gamer’ – rarely venturing outwith my comfort zone of western RPGs, strategy games, and the odd sniper/stealth game – it’s fairly easy to let the majority of releases pass by without affording them much attention. …