Browsing all posts tagged with Deadly Premonition.

Does It Matter If You Play Them?

Does It Matter If You Play Them?

Every gamer I’ve ever known or spoken to has one of those piles. Stacks. Heaps. Fuck it, ROOMS. The ‘To-Play Pile’. For some, it consists of a few AAA releases, which slipped through the net, or which got bunched up in a backlog during a…

The Gaming Bucket List

The Gaming Bucket List

"I know something you don't know... I know something you don't know..." “Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die?”… three questions to which Stephen Hawking probably knows the answers, but refuses to publish because he’s sick…

Videogames Tell Amazing Stories

Videogames Tell Amazing Stories

I’m a huge fan of a good story in a videogame. In my mind, they can rival even that of a good book or movie in their excitement. One thing I always seem to wonder, even when I watch old movies that I’ve seen a…