Browsing all posts tagged with Deadlight.

Deadlight – Review

Deadlight – Review

Going to E3 this year was a huge accomplishment for me, both personally and professionally, and a fantastic achievement that I never thought I’d be able to call my own. E3 is a truly untameable beast – spitting acid, fur-balls and other fluids at you…

Deadlight – E3 Preview

Deadlight – E3 Preview

There were hundreds of games at E3 2012 that I wanted to get my grubby hands on, but one of the few I was especially looking forward to was Deadlight. Having seen some previews prior to heading to Los Angeles, I immediately fell in love…

E3: My Journey, Figuratively and Literally – Part 4

E3: My Journey, Figuratively and Literally – Part 4

A big let down for a Ninty loyalist Thank the good lord for the utter brilliance of music. When you’ve been awake for nineteen hours a day for the last four days and you’re in dire need of sleep, I’m glad I can get Jimmy…