Browsing all posts tagged with Dead Island.

Dead Island: Definitive Collection – Review

Dead Island: Definitive Collection – Review

Full disclosure right from the off – I am not a fan of the original Dead Island that debuted back in 2011. High expectations and hype from the gaming community meant that upon release I was massively disappointed, and after just nine hours of play,…

The Richie Report – The Low Resi / High Reso Satisfaction Ratio

The Richie Report – The Low Resi / High Reso Satisfaction Ratio

Hello, readers! You thought I’d forgotten about you? Believe me. I forget NOTHING. The extended break since our last Richie Report is really just down to the fact that 2015 has been such a slow starter you’d think that it had been born with 2014′s…

Best of 2012 – The Importance of Standing Still

Best of 2012 – The Importance of Standing Still

Voted for by Keegan, Tania and Markuz The games industry moves at a ridiculous pace. No sooner has generic sequel three hundred and twenty two been announced, and suddenly the latest console rumours are flying, another developer has closed, and before you know it there’s…