Browsing all posts tagged with Cyanide Studios.

Front Page Sports Football – Review

Front Page Sports Football – Review

For me, the best thing about sport games comes from the stories they can tell. If Front Page Sports Football were telling a tale, it would be the sort that your Great Grandfather recounts at family events; full of aimless diversions, plenty of confusion, characters…

Styx: Master of Shadows – Preview

Styx: Master of Shadows – Preview

When it comes to games, it always feels like a genre’s popularity is cyclical. If you were a PC gamer in the nineties, you probably couldn’t walk into your nearest retailer without being buried by the myriad of adventure games. Suddenly, they were completely out…

Game of Thrones – Review

Game of Thrones – Review

When the Game of Thrones TV series was announced, I, like a lot of people, was very excited. I had never read the books, hell, I hadn’t even heard of the series before, but it looked pretty spectacular, and reports from America claimed it was…