Browsing all posts tagged with COD.

Best of 2015: Saving Private !PT!CptToffer

Best of 2015: Saving Private !PT!CptToffer

First Published: Oct 29, 2015
Voted For By: Ste, Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“This article reminded me of the time I used to be quite heavily involved in competitive Counter-Strike before discovering alcohol and women of disrepute. I also think that this is probably one

Saving Private !PT!CptToffer

Saving Private !PT!CptToffer

The echoes of bombs and gunfire bounced around the loft of the small building as I lay prone, gazing out of a small wooden-framed window onto the street where the American flag should be. !PT! members RedDwarf and Treffnix were currently escorting it back to

Reporting For Duty

Reporting For Duty

It’s that time of year again.  The days are depressingly shorter, the nights brutally colder, and Christmas is just around the corner, which means Call Of Duty is about to drop like a tactical nuke.  As sure as night turning to day, you can always…